Monday, July 6, 2020

Wesch and Turkle

What is the relationship between Turkle and Wesch? Do you see them as allies or opponents in this discussion of new media and technology? 

Wesch talks about taking the emphasis off grades and putting more emphasis on good questioning. He wants us as teachers to formulate good questions and have students to start learning how to do the same. He says that the best learning usually happens without the teacher. We need to focus more on learning and less on teaching. He says our job needs to be to encourage the students. He also mentions the importance of their learning environment and how it must align with your beliefs and what you want them to do. He wants the students to see themselves as “future shapers”. 

Turkle recognizes the problems with technology and how it leaves people feeling lonely and like no one is listening. Our relationship with technology does not allow for self reflection. When we are bored, upset, alone, we reach for our devices as a way to not feel anxious. We aren’t giving ourselves time to sit quietly and process our thoughts and feelings. We don’t know how to have a conversation without being able to edit our thoughts and ideas first. She mentions that it is good to stumble upon your words and think on your feet. Face to face conversations are important for one’s development. She says it’s important for us to make spaces where we can just sit and talk to ourselves or others. Getting rid of the devices is not necessary but making sure there is a balance between the face to face connections and technology connections. I think Wesch is trying to embrace the technology as it relates to our evolving world. I think Turkle isn't against technology. She just wants us to be more aware of how it shapes us and changes as human beings. 

1 comment:

  1. I spent a lot of time last year trying to get my students to ask better questions. Wesch makes a good point that if the teachers ask the good questions first, maybe the students will work harder to think critically themselves. I love the idea of learning alongside your kids (instead of just teaching them in front of the classroom). I wonder how we can engage the students who are nervous to speak English or don't find the content relevant. But his ideas are a good jumping off point! Thanks for sharing.


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