Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Project Ideas

I want to be able to reorganize the way my students access assignments and applications on their technology. I believe students learn best on computers when navigation and access to assignments are more user friendly. They can spend more time doing work and less time figuring out how to navigate through the technology. (More learning, less teacher involvement, work at your own pace, fostering independent learners, less disruptions, everyone knows what they are expected to do and how to do it...)

This past year, I implemented a new reading curriculum called American Reading Company. It took me all year to get myself organized and actually understand the program. I have to do a lot of individual conferences with students, set up centers for group work, and allow for 30 minutes of independent reading time a day. I think all of those steps are important for their development. They need to be able to have time with me alone, work in groups, and have time to read quietly. I am thinking of creating a virtual schedule with symbols to click on, a progress board, and a way for them to access all of their applications they need in one place.


  1. Hi Emily, thank you for sharing your writing from today! I can totally relate to that need for organization - it is something I'm working on too!

  2. Hi Emily, I think the organization piece is extremely important. I like the way Dr. Bogad has structured and chunked our class assignment tracker. It is keeping me organized and I can see how such as system can be helpful to keep my high school age students organized in the fall. In addition to the organizational piece, my students struggled with the executive functioning skills needed to complete technology assignments. Completing Google Forms, submitting assignments, uploading PDFs were all struggles my students had in their other classes.

  3. We're going to start using ARC this fall! It sounds like a lot to implement, but I'm sure I'll have a clearer picture after the upcoming training sessions. This idea sounds really productive, especially for little kids. Hopefully it can teach them organizational skills they can take with them into middle school ;)

  4. I see your goals here -- keep working on rooting them in your WHY, your beliefs. Make sure anything you plan for starts with the center (as Sinek says) and moves outward. Curious to hear how your ideas have evolved since Wednesday!


Final Project - My Narrative

     Hi. Check out my Pecha Kucha here. My name is Emily Shea. I teach at Alfred Lima Elementary School in Providence. This past year I tau...