Sunday, July 5, 2020

Duolingo Tutorial

I looked at many of the tools before deciding to do my tutorial on Duolingo. This tool is right up my alley! I love learning languages and you really have to practice. This application makes it easy and fun. Instead of jumping to the basics, I took a quiz in French. I was surprised at how much French I remembered since high school. I love how the lessons are in labeled categories and you receive rewards. I chose to practice for 10 minutes a day on the app and it will even remind you on Facebook to practice. I am excited to try this out to learn a new language. My students could also use this to get some practice learning English. They could do this on their parent's phones, their tablets, or their computers. Best part, it is free! Check it out! 


  1. I was wondering about how to bring Duolingo into my classroom. Although, I think I should use the app for myself too. Thank you for sharing.
    Christina D'Ambra

  2. Hi Emily, I believe that Duolingo also has YouTube videos and pushes out podcasts. There is an educational hub where you can load up your class. I do not know if there is a fee.


Final Project - My Narrative

     Hi. Check out my Pecha Kucha here. My name is Emily Shea. I teach at Alfred Lima Elementary School in Providence. This past year I tau...